Breathing Room Yoga & Movement Studio

**In Studio** Chakra Flow
with Robin Ivy Payton

August 25 (Wednesday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Leaping Waters Studio

This class is sequenced to connect with the primary energy centers of your physical and energetic body, from feet to crown. Each week offers postures, breathing practices, movement, self assists, and reflection centered on one or more chakras and their relationship to your body, mind and emotions. Each sequence includes possibilities for acknowledging, feeling, easing, shifting, and encouraging healthy energy flow. This is an all levels practice with options that honor you physically and emotionally and welcome you as you are.
Note: When practicing virtually, gather some supportive props such as two medium size blankets, a pillow, a yoga strap or other alternative and yoga blocks or bolsters if you own them.


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