Breathing Room Yoga & Movement Studio

**In Studio** Monthly Yin & Restorative Yoga with Sound Bath
with Robin Ivy Payton

September 25 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Leaping Waters Studio

Yin Yoga hydrates the connective tissues with attention to the joints and yin meridian paths of the body. Yin offers long held deep stretches with or without the use of props. Restorative Yoga gently opens the body with postures that are propped to give a sense of the earth rising to meet the body and props used to encourage the ultimate release and relief. 
Experience a mix of this and customize your postures to either stretch and lengthen or simply rest and restore without effort.  Sound bath with Mario of Sound Healing Vibes finishes the class.
Bring a crystal to hold or accompany you if you like
Metal or crystal bowls and other sound tools may be used to enhance your experience


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